
Mar 31st, 2025 API Update

BART is in the process of migrating to a new scheduling data(GTFS). This will include platforms data at stations. Simultaneous, there will be updates rolled out on the GTFS-RT feed api. See, current GTFS-RT feed and upcoming GTFS-RT feed for a replacement after notice period.

February 11, 2019 API Update

BART is in the process of migrating to a new scheduling system, and output from the new system doesn’t map 1:1 with legacy systems. Simultaneous with the February 11, 2019 schedule change, several API changes will be rolled out. Read more here.

July 9, 2017 API Update (v3.10)

BART has finalized the beta version of the JSON Output Formats and updated all documentation to reflect the new output format. In addition BART has made some internal modifications to the API to reflect changes that were made to the elevator advisories for the website. Once these have been fully tested, they will be made publically available in the API.

Sept 26, 2016 API Update (v3.00)

BART will be updating the BART API with some new functionality. At this time, all of the changes should be backwards compatible (only new fields/data have been added), but a few items will start to be deprecated. This announcement will provide details about what is changing and what’s going to be going away in the future.

QuickPlanner Changes
BART is adding some additional fields/information to the QuickPlanner trip results. Some of these are attributes on elements that already exist, while others are new elements.

Schedule Changes

Deprecated information